Saturday, May 1, 2010

Gotta have some Carbs

Well, my forray into low carb was not a success. Maybe I did not persevere long enough to beat the withdrawls. By Day 3 I was so cranky and hungry - then I crashed hard and had a little carb fest. I did not enjoy the out of control feeling - much prefer the balanced feeling I have with whole grains added to at least two meals.So,back to a more balanced diet for me.

Noted an interesting fact this week - as we are down to one income due to my husband's lay off, and keeping a closer eye on finances. Our grocery spending is way down - eating more whole food and less processed has actually been much cheaper.

Still on the topic of food - I am so confused about the proper calorie count for me. I've been on so many websites and consulted several dietitians. Different answers from all. I know it is ultimately calories in must be less that calories out. But what is the right balance ? I can't seem to find it. I've done really low, moderate and high and none of them consistently work. So right now, I am trying moderate - 1500 - 1800 with a low day and a high day in the week to change it up and hopefully wake up my hibernating metabolism.

I've been in a kind of funk this week - and it's made me more in tune with my obvious emotional eating problem. When I am down and overwhelmed, food is still something I turn to. There are lots of things I can do for a diversion, but I don't choose to do so.

It is all about choices. A wise man I have discovered recently in the blog world made the lightbulb light up in that regard for me. It's not that I didn't know it before; but it just wasn't sinking in. Every step on this path is a choice. every piece of cholcolate, every night spent in front of the TV instead of walking or even "wii-ing" is a choice.

What do I need to do in my psyche to convince myself that I am worth the healthy choice? I need to be content with self love and self worth and not need so much external reinforcement. It's hard to do self talk though - way easier to avoid the truth and hide in food or a book or the computer. Looking inward at why we do the things we do can be painful. But what's that old cliche - no pain no gain !!

Goals that I set at the beginning of the week - partially met. I did increase the water intake and got up twice to walk. Fit in my yoga class twice but no other cardio.

Goals this week:
- track food and exercise on - great website.
- 9 - 12 glasses of water/day
- some kind of exercise every day - at least 30 minutes
- stop the negative self talk by actively saying "STOP" to myself when it happens

think it, be it !!!!!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

I hate Mondays

Monday kicked my butt today. The light at the end of my tunnel was yoga - that made all the cranky people ( including me LOL)and a way too long list of things to do go away.

I decided over the weekend that I needed to try reducing my carbs. I have many of the symptoms of insulin resistance, even though my blood sugars are good. Combine that with Polycystic Ovary disease and I am batting 300 for metabolic syndrome. 5-6 times higher risk of cardiac disease and diabetes. I just don't metabolize carbs the same way others can. Time to really get serious about reducing my risk and helping my body utilize the fuel I give it more efficiently.

Sooo today was day 1 - no wonder I was cranky - withdrawls ? Yep. No bread, no added sugar, no white anything. Just fruit, veg, salad and few oz of good protein.

I have committed to try it for a week and see how I feel at the end of it. I should be through the uncomfortable part of it by then.

Starting to feel a little deprived dairy + no simple carbs...I can do it though. I am strong - it is worth it.

Yoga was tough tonight - pretty stiff after the boot camp DVD yesterday. I do notice though that I can almost do a modified push up without sagging down at the end. Getting some nice tone in my legs and arms. Need to concentrate on getting more regular cardio though - to burn off the stomach fat.

Water intake has been low and boy can I see it in my skin...time to get back to 10 + glasses. I've been averaging 4 the last couple of weeks - not enough.

Goals for tomorrow:
get up in am and walk at least 30 minutes
do boot camp DVD after work
Drink 6 glasses of H20 at work.

think it , be it !!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Challenge Success

Well, It's been a while...a long while. Back in January I registered for a local fitness challenge. How did I do ? I had some success, but not as much as I had anticipated - it is all coming off so slowly - but still a loss is a loss.

During the 12 weeks of the challenge, I lost 8 pounds, but 21 cm AND the best part - dropped 16 beats of heart rate. I have to be happy with that. Since the challenge finished up, I have lost about 5 more pounds. There is a maintenance award - for the person who looses the most pounds between the end of this challenge and the beginning of the next one. That's my goal - a little extra motivation never hurt anyone !

Something just feels different this time - maybe I am more in tune with my body and reognize that when I feed it crap, I feel like crap !

Another victory was vaction in Phoenix without a real weight gain - up 3 pounds I think, but it was gone within a week.

My husband is having amazing success - which is making it so much easier for me to succeed too! He was laid off in January, and has since has less stress and more time to eat better and exercise - he is down 25 punds in 4 months !! WTG hunny !!

I really want to feel better about myself - and even loosing 30 pounds has helped that. I fit in airplane seats a little better, don't worry so much about what I think people are thinking about me and I can accept a compliment.

I used to make excuses whenever someone said - you are looking good, I'd say, ph I really haven't lost - jsut toning up. Now I just say THANKS !!!

I have a long way to go - but I am determined to get there this time.

think it, be it !

Monday, January 4, 2010

Accupuncture !

Well - that was an experience. I have been attending physiotherapy for two years and made much progress. However, we are stuck and so my PT suggested I try accupuncture. I did a while ago, but that particular accupuncturist didn't seem terribly interested in the big picutre - just treated one spot. No real discussion or history.

Today was a different story - 4 pages of forms, an hour discussion and then 30 minutes of treatment. I felt varying sensations during treatment. Wasn't painful - a few pinches on areas near the bone of my knee and ankle. I feel a sort of release and a calming. We'll see.

She had lots of other ideas as well for various issues I am having - I am to try no dairy products and add acidophilus to my diet for a few weeks and see how that works...

I am optimistic. The plans I have been following have not been terribly successful, so nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Had a good eating day today - stayed under 1400 calories - ate good clean food. Have not actually felt hunger all day - so that is something. Cutting out dairy will be interesting - not that I like milk, but cheese makes my morning egg white omlette palatable.

To sore from slipping off the step and the needles today to exercise - but tomorrow for sure.

I have hope that this time, I will be successful. I choose me as the priority. Novel thought !

Trying to go to bed earlier to get a better rest too...

Saturday, January 2, 2010

A Challenge

I am off to register for a local "get healthy" challenge today...maybe money will motivate me ! LOL. Several categories and he/she who looses the most of a combination of weight, inches and lowers their resting heart rate wins a chunk of cash. Really hoping this will help motivate me; but I know the real motivation has to come from within.

I know I will feel stronger, more empowered and happier if I continue on my weight loss journey. I do have a plan - sticking to it and making time for me will be the big thing.

Exercise in the am - 5 days a week
Yoga twice a week
Strength training 2 - 3 times a week
Eat whole, clean food

That's the plan ! Now finding the inner strength to stick to day at a time. Funny how I can make appointments for work or other personal things and always be punctual and adhere to the plan.

Let this be the time !

Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Year

Well - 2010 begins today. Hard to believe more than a year has passed since I wrote that first post. Unfortunatly not much has changed. I did set forth on my journey of finding out who I am. A little pain, a lot of tears and I am a few steps closer.

Life has a funny way of throwing things back at a person - seems if we diddn't learn the lesson the first time; it keeps coming back until we do.

I found the process of unravelling the issues in my life liberating , yet disconcerting. There is something weird about baring your soul to a stranger - a bit like sitting naked in the mall - but no one cares except you. I guess I'd like to get comfortable with that nakedness - it's who we really are. I don't mean naked ( really ) just without all the baggage we cover up with - being who we think people need us to be. I just really want to be me.

Emotionally, I am more of a mess than ever - seems every corner of my life has been opened to disaster, but slowly things are resolving in some areas. A wise person told me that we must only take on what is in our control - trying really hard to do that. Hardest workwise though - as there is not much control left.

Weight wise, I am down 25 punds over last year - but thought I would be much further. Lost some ground over the holidays and feel sluggish and bloated. Tiem to recommit to healthy eating. Not dieting - just going to eat real food and try and cut out simple carbs and sugar for a few weeks and see how that goes.

So, here's to a new year; and hopefully a new me by next year.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

New to this

Well, this is a first step and the long road of redicovering who I am. I feel like that new HerbalMagic commercial...all those women looking for themselves...only I feel like I really never knew who I was. Somehow, I've been floating through life, doing what is expected ( by who I'm not sure!!) but never really doing things that were meaningful to me.

I feel totally empty, burnt out, depleted and sad. Decided the only one with the power to change that is me. Soooo, I took a step I never thought I would and made an appointment with a psychologist to help me sort through the things that I feel and get through it all.

I need to get healthy - loose weight and step at a time !!

Wish me luck !